I've never really believed much in the power of a suggestion to influence reality, until it happened to me.  I've been wonderfully happy, challenged and fulfilled at work ever since I started here 4 1/2 years ago.  I work for a great company, one that believes in its employees and their development.  Oddly enough, its that committment to employee development that's started this conundrum I find myself in.

See, a few weeks ago, our director came to me asking if I'd be interested in working on a special project that would require some extra travel back and forth between Dallas and New Jersey, our headquarters.  Of course, I was excited about this prospect.  One of the reasons that he gave for wanting me to work on this was he was afraid I would be getting bored if I didn't have a challenge to work on ... something out of my comfort zone.  The thought of being bored at work had never crossed my mind until then.

Fast forward to the present ... you guessed it ... I'm bored!  Not bored out of my mind but definately realizing that I'm tired of doing the same old things, running the same old reports, etc.  I wonder, if he had never suggested that I might start finding work boring, would I feel this way right now?
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