Life has seasons ... we've all been through them or going through them.   Right now, my life feels like its entering a season of changes. 

There are things moving around at work that could lead to a change in position and honestly, I'm not sure its the right move for me right now.  It would be a good move for my career ... an excellent move in fact.  But, it requires up to 50% travel some weeks and that's not a good thing for my family.  In fact, that's not even a possibility for my family.  Justin simply doesn't have the availability in the evenings to be home if I'm gone 3 nights or more a week.  So, how do I manage my career in a way that, if the travel question can't be resolved, I don't damage my long-term viability?  No matter what people give lip service to, there's a difference between asking a mom to travel for work and asking a dad to do the same.  Men simply have it easier on that front.  So, there's change in the air at work and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

It feels like there's change getting ready to happen in my personal life as well.  You know that little voice you get in the back of your mind (I call him God ... )?  Its been whispering lately that He's getting ready to shake some things up in my life, that I've gotten complacent in a few areas and that's not acceptable.  I'm already thinking of finding a new church home (thank you God for sitting me next to some of The Village pastors on my flight home from Minneapolis Wednesday!).  But that's not the end of it I don't think.  Its time to get healthy physically and spiritually and that's going to require a lot of change.  I have habits, or a lack of habits, that need to be dropped or picked up. 

And I have become complacent, I can admit that.  I'm comfortable with where my life is and if there's one things I've learned so far, God doesn't leave me in a place of comfort very long.  I've been here a while, just curled up in my easy chair of life, doing what I do best and praising God for a time of peace.  But just like Nature changes her seasons, I think this season will be coming to a close.  I equate it to the stirrings that Nature must feel when the coziness of winter and hibernation come to an end and roots awaken to the emergence of Spring.  There will probably be a few showers, maybe even a good thunderstorm or two, but ultimately, growth.  Growth is the antithesis of complacency.  And so I say, change is in the air.
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