So, my baby girl got to play hooky from daycare yesterday because she had "the crud".  Yes, that's what our pediatrician's official diagnosis was on Friday before he promptly said she was well enough for her second flu shot, ordered it up and sent us on our way.  All weekend, we battled "the crud" and kept her home yesterday so she could rest up and battle "the crud" some more.  I went to bed last night, actually looking forward to being at work today because I'd had my fill of bodily fluids.  From snotty noses to drool to incredibly impressive poopy diapers, I was done with bodily fluids.

So, I drop my little sweetheart off at daycare this morning, feeling slightly guilty about it since she still wasn't feeling 100%, more like 80%, but thinking she'd be fine.  Two hours later, daycare calls and she's got a 102 degree fever.  Drumroll please ... cue up mommy guilt ... and action.

Thankfully, Dad was able to take a sick day and dashed off to daycare, then the doctor's office.  I'm awaiting the call with the verdict and hoping we get something more specific than "the crud" this time.  I'll be home with her tomorrow and I'm really hoping she's feeling better, not just for her sake either.
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